Sunday, 17 March 2013

New Tesla Motors debuts the Model

After giving some teaser shots, Tesla Motors yesterday that everyone get an eyeful of the new Model S, the company of $ 57.400 electric vehicle model. Like its cousin sports car, based on the $ 109,000 car, and the Model S with lithium-ion batteries for juice, giving the car a range of 300 miles (482 kilometers) is responsible for 45 minutes, according to the company. Do not neglect the need to accelerate: Form S clock speeds from zero to 60 in 5.5 seconds.
In the heady days of the manufacturers of electric and hybrid vehicles and consumers. Last week, President Obama announced $ 2.4 billion in grants for research for the next generation of plug-in electric vehicles, with funding from going to work and training electric car battery repair technician, efforts as well as the truck development station charging stations, according to a news release from the Ministry of Energy.

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